Updates & Releases
Here's the summary of our product updates for LetterSG.
Upcoming features for LetterSG
Improved accessibility for Letters
Send physical letters to citizens
Send to citizens via NRIC
If you're interested in testing out any of these features when it's ready, please drop us a message at letters@open.gov.sg
Q4 2024 Oct - Dec
Dec 23rd:
Search for templates easily
Agency users can find templates more easily by using the search bar in the Template Library
Preview how letters will look on mobile for recipients
Agency users can easily check that letters are formatted for both small and big screens by checking the mobile preview when creating or editing their templates
Send letters via email to 2 recipients at once
A highly requested feature from schools, agency users can now specify up to 2 email recipients for each letter
This feature is not currently available for mobile.
Dec 5th:
[Pilot] Send physical letters through LetterSG
Agency users can send both digital and physical letters directly through LetterSG. Physical letters will be printed and handled by a vendor.
New API bulk endpoints: Query for letter batches and create batches of letters!
System integrations can now create and retrieve letter details in bulk on LetterSG instead of using the single creation endpoint.
Oct 10th:
Citizen feedback
Citizens will be asked to provide feedback on their digital letter experience when they receive a letter. We hope to gather this data over the next few months and share back when we're ready!
Q3 2024 Jul-Sep
Aug 21st:
[Fully released] PDF Download for citizens
Citizens can download their letters as PDFs for archiving or printing. Preview your template PDFs when creating templates to ensure that there is no rendering or whitespace issues.
Miscellanous improvements:
Resolved bug in email validation that caused a number of email addresses to be rejected as "invalid email addresses"
Aug 15th:
[New Feature] Template creation
Users are now able to create new templates on the platform! Select from a range of pre-designed layouts and customize them with your own content. No more wait to onboard new templates.
Templates are mobile-responsive by default
Improved template editing experience
Rename your templates in the editor
Replace images in the editor by double-clicking on the image in the template, or drag new images into the editor directly
Q2 2024 Apr-Jun
Jun 23rd:
[New Feature] Switch to Gov.SG sender ID
Government agency users will now send outgoing LetterSG SMS notifications with gov.sg senderID. If you are eligible to use gov.sg, no action is required on your partβeverything is automatically set up for you.
If you are a LetterSG user and you want your LetterSG SMS to show your agencyβs name in the message header, please approach your agencyβs nominated person-in-charge (PIC) to integrate LetterSG with a Postman campaign.
[New Feature] Archive unused templates
Keep your Template Library organised by hiding away templates that you are not using. Letters previously issued from archived templates will remain available in your dashboard. Archiving a template will also archive it for all users who have access to it.
May 31st:
Miscellaneous Enhancements:
Improved OTP security
Improved support for more fonts
Improved UX for API key generation
Apr 30th:
[Fully released] PDF downloads
Users can now download batched PDF files directly from your dashboard. Save offline copies of the letters to print or archive.
Users can preview your templates in PDF mode directly from the editor page.
[Fully released] API integrations
Users are now able to create letters and download letters as PDF using LetterSG APIs.
[New Feature] Citizen sharing:
Citizens can now share their letters easily via the Share button to WhatsApp, email or SMS
Letter link previews will contain the issuing agency logos & website titles
[New Feature] PDF Download for citizens (Beta)
Citizens can download their letters as PDFs for archiving or printing. This is a beta feature, if you are an agency user who would like to trial this, do contact us here.
Apr 4th:
[New Feature] Image Uploads in Template Editor:
Users are now able to directly upload images into their templates by dragging their images into the editor.
Miscellaneous Enhancements:
Improved styling of outgoing emails for readability and legitimacy. Outgoing emails now contain agency name and logos to allow recipients to quickly see who the letter is from
Improvement in batch load responsiveness for larger batches
UIUX upgrades and standardizations across product.
Q1 2024 Jan-Mar
Mar 12th:
[New Feature] Template Cloning:
Users are now able to duplicate their existing templates to easily create new letter templates.
Template Editing:
All users are now able to easily edit templates by themselves at their own convenience.
Landing Page Updates:
Users are now able to view different information as a public officer and as a member of public.
[New Feature] LetterSG APIs (Beta):
Users are now able to create letters and download letters as PDF using LetterSG APIs.
Jan 15th:
[New Feature] Access Control - Sharing of Issued Batches of Letters:
Users are now able to share access to issued letters with others and allow collaborators to view previously issued letters.
Jan 10th:
[New Feature] PDF Download (Beta):
Users are now able to receive a copy of their generated letters in PDF for their printing/record-keeping needs.
[New Feature] Template Editing (Beta):
Users are now able to easily edit templates by themselves at their own convenience.
Q4 2023 Oct-Dec
Dec 14th:
[New Feature] Access Control - Sharing of Templates:
Users are now able to share access to templates with others and allow collaborators to issue letters using the same template.
Miscellaneous Enhancements:
Thumbnails of letter templates are automatically generated in the Template Library
New tooltips for buttons on template library
Bug Fixes:
Fixed error message for CSV uploads to show up properly on GSIB/SOE laptops
Nov 21st:
Landing Page Updates:
Users are now able to view examples of some existing letter templates on our landing page
[New Feature] Sample Template:
Users are now able to try out issuing a letter using our "Certificate of Curiosity" to try out the product, regardless of whether they have previously onboarded any templates
Nov 8th:
UIUX Enhancements:
Improved channel selection in the issuance flow
Confetti screen on successful letter generation
Delivery Status Enhancements: Users are now able to see bounced delivery status for their issued letters on their detailed dashboard view
Oct 11th:
UIUX Enhancements:
Revamped UX flow: Users are now able to issue letters with greater ease and also check previously issued letters on their dashboard more intuitively.
[New Feature] Access Control:
Users will only have access to their own templates from now. This ensures that your templates remain private and eliminates the risk of other users potentially misusing them.
Please contact us here if you do not see any of your previously onboarded templates, or if you believe that you have been wrongly granted access to additional templates.
Q3 2023 Jul-Sep
Sept 1st:
Removal of password protection for letters
If you require this, please write into our team here.
August 11th:
[New Feature] Email Sending: You are now able to send out generated letters within the product by adding the recipient's email address number to your CSV file.
UI/UX Enhancements:
Dashboard Revamp: You can now easily view all previously issued letters by batches on the dashboard.
View Read Receipts in CSV files: You can now download information regarding your letters for every batch you have issued (eg. read status) in CSV files.
August 2nd:
[New Feature] SMS Sending: You are now able to send out generated letters within the product by adding the recipient's mobile number to your CSV file. The SMSes will be sent from the sender ID "LetterSG." Please exercise caution with this new feature and try a test send to preview the letter.
UI/UX Enhancements:
Bulk Generate Letters UI Revamp: You can now easily choose how to deliver generated letters on the product to recipients and enable/disable password protection in a full-screen view.
Bug Fixes: Our team addressed a few bugs reported by users such as
Improving password requirements - Ensuring a min 8 character requirement and accepting ASCII characters only
Removal of white spaces in password validation
Other Enhancements:
Handling and display of CSV Errors - Empty rows are removed and any missing fields are displayed by row for clarity
Editing the βLetter Linkβ header in generated CSV to βletter_linkβ so the file is properly formatted for ingestion on Postman
Adding a rating mechanism for users to easily provide feedback
Mobile optimization for viewing letters
Q2 2023 Apr-Jun
[New Feature] Password Protection: You are now able to password protect your letters to ensure sensitive information within your letters are kept safe & only viewed by the intended recipients.
Last updated
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