📝Editing Letter Templates

How do I access the template editor?

  1. Navigate to the "Template Library" section.

  2. Select the template that you want to edit, then click on the dropdown button beside "Use this template"

  3. Select "Edit template" to open the template editor

What can I do with the editor?

  1. Text Edits

    You are able to modify the text in your template with various tools in the template editor.

    In order to make edits, highlight the text you want to edit and use the toolbar for formatting options such as bold, italic, and underline.

    For more text formatting options, you can click on the triple dots on the right, where you will be able to change the format of text (eg. header/paragraph), fonts and highlighting of text.

    The font I would like to use is not supported? The fonts that we support are web safe fonts to ensure that they render well on a variety of devices (Window laptops, MacBooks, Apple phones and Android phones). Unfortunately, this means that some of the fonts you might like to use are not supported, as they are not guaranteed to work well on your recipients' devices. Please choose from the fonts supported for the best viewing experience for your recipients.

  2. Add or edit images To replace an existing image, double-click on the image you want to replace. A file-selection window should pop up, prompting you to pick the new image. Select the new image. The new image should be uploaded shortly, and you should be able to see it in the editor as well as the preview on the right.

    To add a new image, drag your image file into the editor. The new image should be uploaded shortly, and you should be able to see it in the editor as well as the preview on the right.

  3. Rename templates To rename your template, click on the template name at the top of the editing bar. The template name should become an editable field. Rename your template as needed. Your new template name is not saved until you click on "Save template"

Your template name should be simple and professional as it is displayed to citizens. Keep your template name short and descriptive. Suggested format: Agency short name - Letter for XXX e.g. OGP - Certificate of Curiosity

  1. Add or edit tables The template editor supports the easy creation of tables. To add a table:

    1. Click on the "Table" icon in the toolbar.

    2. Specify the number of rows and columns.

    3. You can further customise the background color and border color of the table. By default the border of the table is set to transparent.

  2. Add or edit links To insert hyperlinks into your template, highlight the text you want to link, click on the "Link" icon, and enter the URL. "Text to display", is the actual text that gets displayed on the letter. The "Title" is what users will see when they hover over the link created and it is an optional field.

  3. Preview letter PDF Citizens that receive your letter will be able to download a PDF copy of the letter. To ensure that the PDF letter renders as expected, always preview your template PDF when making the content edits to your template. To preview the letter PDF, click on "Preview PDF" in the editor. The PDF file is being generated, this can take a couple of seconds.

    When the PDF file is generated, a new window with the sample letter PDF should pop up shortly. Ensure that the contents in the PDF letter shows up as expected, as this is how the downloaded PDF will look like if citizens download a PDF copy of the digital letter.

Do my edits apply to all users or just myself?

  • Any changes to the template are currently applied to the master copy of the template, which will apply to all users once saved.

How do I keep track of previous versions of templates?

  • You will be able to track changes made to your template over time with the version history feature by clicking into the icon shown below:

I have some issues with the editor. Where can I seek help?

If you encounter any issues while using the template editor, please share your thoughts with us by reaching out to us via this form or at support@letters.gov.sg.

Your feedback helps us improve and enhance your experience.

Last updated